GGI Webinar | Women of GGI Informal Group - 11:00 am EDT

07 April 2025

Chairs: Leslie Berkoff, Elisabeth Colson, Pietia Laarhoven - van der Mark & Amy Seneshen

Zoom call (11:00 am EDT | 17:00 pm CEST) 

In furtherance of our ongoing initiative for the Women of GGI, and building on the success of our recent events at conferences and the Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP summer get-together in New York, we welcome you to join us for another informal Zoom session to meet and connect. In addition to getting a chance to get to know one another better, we have a few items that we will cover during this call.

1. What do you wish you could change in your workplace and what would you like to see instituted in its place? How can we be agents of change?

2. Name 2 or 3 activities you would like to see as a group activity organized by Women of GGI as part of a larger GGI conference.

3. Women of GGI is considering the agenda for our upcoming meetings. Are there any topics of interest? Any speakers you can suggest?

As always, if there is a topic you would like us to add, just please email one of the four of us. If we cannot cover all suggested topics during this session, we will bring the remainder forward as a starting point for our next session. We look forward to seeing you virtually.

This webinar is OPEN to all GGI women who are members of the Informal Group or who wish to join the Group. 
