Employment Law

The GGI Employment Law Practice Group was established during the 2012 European Conference at Cannes. The specific goals of the Practice Group are the exchange of both knowledge and experience, the enhancement of business opportunities, the promotion of contacts, and the establishment of an international employment law network within GGI. 

As the field of Employment Law is interesting for many professionals, we strive to organise Practice Group meetings that attract many GGI members from different disciplines. To give some examples, the following topics shall be discussed during our future meetings:

  • Various types of employment contracts;
  • Reorganisation and (international) restructuring;
  • Termination and severance payments;
  • (International) Transfer of Employees;
  • Expats;
  • The influence of collective labour agreements;
  • Harmonisation and unilateral amendments of employment conditions;
  • Data Protection in relation to International Transfer of Employees.


Jeffrey L. R. Kenens

TeekensKarstens advocaten notarissen

GGI Global Chair

Patricia W. Goodson

Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, LLP

Global Vice Chair

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