Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Experts from all over the world need to stay connected with regards to the broad field of litigation and arbitration. It is important to exchange experiences and knowledge, to develop tactics, strategies and proceedings, and overall to make use of synergies.

GGI Litigation & Dispute Resolution (LDR) Practice Group members are connected to each other for international updates and issues relevant to areas of their practice. The Practice Group allows each member to maintain a holistic view and channel their expertise into assisting their clients with their specific business needs. Being an expert of the LDR Practice Group will result in faster case transactions in cross-border disputes and a better understanding about the different regional litigation procedures.

For further details, please contact the Global Chairperson directly.


Michiel Teekens

TeekensKarstens advocaten notarissen

GGI Global Chair

Dr Karl Friedrich Dumoulin


Global Vice Chair

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