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Value creation through sound diversity and inclusion strategies within law firms

by Mathieu Maes

It is no surprise that our law firm, situated in Brussels, Belgium – the heart of the European Union – caters to clients who are influenced by the European Commission’s efforts in advancing the so-called Green Deal. The Commission's unwavering commitment to championing sustainability and corporate responsibility as essential components of its financial policy has reverberated across our clientele, shaping their perspectives and priorities.

As corporate lawyers specialising in cross-border transactions and disputes, we have particularly witnessed in this context the transformative power of sound Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) strategies. These play a crucial role in fostering an inclusive culture within teams handling transactions and dispute resolution, while also equipping the firm for future environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) related transitions.

By actively embracing D&I, law firms create an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences feel valued, respected, and empowered. This inclusive culture upholds moral integrity and enhances collaboration, problem-solving, and innovation. Legal teams with diverse perspectives are better equipped to comprehend the intricacies of cross-border transactions and dispute resolution, leading to more effective outcomes.

Moreover, prioritising D&I allows law firms to tap into a wider talent pool. Embracing diversity in recruitment and promotion practices attracts exceptional legal minds from diverse backgrounds, enriching the firm with a wealth of skills, perspectives, and approaches. A diverse team brings fresh ideas, fosters creative thinking, and provides a broader range of experiences, enabling us to deliver comprehensive and tailored solutions to the complex legal challenges faced by our clients. Diverse legal teams are also better equipped to navigate the cultural nuances and legal intricacies of international transactions and disputes, facilitating smoother negotiations and reducing potential risks.

Investing in D&I strategies not only benefits client service and legal expertise but also prepares the law firm for the future. As societal attitudes and client expectations evolve, there is increasing demand for diverse legal teams that mirror the communities they serve, including multinational groups. Proactively embracing D&I positions law firms as forward-thinking and responsive to these shifting dynamics, enhancing their reputation and competitiveness. 

Cultivating an inclusive culture not only enhances our ability to effectively serve clients, it also positions us as leaders in an evolving legal landscape. Embracing D&I is a social responsibility as well as a strategic imperative to foster innovation, attract top talent, and ensure the future success of law firms. As legal professionals, we have the opportunity and responsibility to create a more inclusive and equitable legal industry.

Mathieu Maes is Policy Advisor and currently holds the position of Chief Impact Officer at DALDEWOLF. Before that, he was recognized as Secretary General of the Belgian section of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Belgium), a position he held for a decade. Recognized as an expert and trainer in corporate ethics and compliance, international trade instruments and sustainability policy, Mathieu has extensive expertise in these areas.

30 November 2023