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Ukrainian businesses relocating to Poland

by Andrzej Tokaj

In 2022, almost 21,000 new businesses were established in Poland by Ukrainian immigrants (4,800 companies and 15,000 individually owned businesses). In total, almost 10 percent of new businesses established in Poland in 2022 are Ukrainian. At the same time, Ukrainian people represent about 9 percent of the total workforce.

Positive signs

Despite the fact that the Ukrainian economy shrank by 30 percent in 2022, exports from Poland to Ukraine continued to grow. During the first seven months of 2022, exports to Ukraine grew by 27 percent compared to 2021, placing Poland second on the list of the largest exporters to Ukraine (after China).

Almost 50 percent of new Ukrainian businesses in Poland have been established by women. They are active in services such as hairdressing, cosmetics, and commerce including e-commerce. Men are more active in the construction and IT sectors.

Future hope

The majority of these Ukrainian firms will remain in Poland for longer and plan on continuing doing business in Poland regardless of the situation in Ukraine. Only 4 percent of respondents say they want to return to their homeland if the situation will allow it.

They declare relative ease of communication with their Polish hosts and a cultural proximity that includes common cultural codes. The general openness of Polish society to Ukrainian immigrants has eased the start and development of businesses.

Starting again

The end of the war will, of course, be a time to rebuild Ukraine and there will be plenty to do.

Documented material losses alone are currently estimated at USD 140 billion, while total economic damage (including lost profit) is estimated at USD 350-700 billion. Polish companies will most certainly be involved in the reconstruction of their neighbour.

Photo: Robson90 -

15 May 2023

Andrzej Tokaj

Penteris, Senior Partner | Head of Real Estate
