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Using generative AI to improve law firm communication

by Dr Angelo Sgroi

In law firm external communication strategies, the support that artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) can provide is becoming increasingly significant, particularly the most advanced large language models (LLMs) such as Generative Pre-training Transformer 4 (GPT-4) which can generate high-quality texts on a wide and articulated range of topics.

Applications based on these models (chatbots) have a sophisticated ability to understand the context and develop appropriate language, with undeniable advantages concerning response accuracy, consistency to user demands, content production, sentiment analysis, and automatic translation. Based on machine learning approaches that increase their ability to understand human language and produce precise and articulated results in natural language, chatbots provide an ever-improving user experience.

Linguistic models powered by AI can help web searches, text scheme construction, information retrieval, and paper authoring. This makes it possible to improve the quality of legal communication while also increasing the efficiency and productivity of the individuals who must create original materials. 

On the other hand, we must keep in mind that AI, with its ability to understand language, has been changing the rules of search engine optimisation (SEO). Because of more sophisticated search abilities, the contents should be optimised not only in terms of keywords but also in terms of search intent. The question to be asked is: Will our website will cause the user to end the search session? This is one of the goals of an effective communication strategy – to be a reference point for users while also accompanying them on every step of a search session. How do we do that? By analysing users, their needs, and the market, and ensuring that experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness are recognised in the contents of our projects.

Another important issue is the role that models can play in “sentiment analysis”, contextualising data, and obtaining strategic information to understand opinions expressed on social media, reviews and comments, to detect supplier risk and for brand reputation monitoring. 

Despite their advantages, there are several open issues involved with these systems including possible errors and distortions in content generation, and the inability to access information outside the data provided to them to verify facts or their accuracy. It’s thus critical that AI is always approached correctly. Every technological breakthrough raises questions about its utility but it’s better to manage it rather than demonise it because there is no turning back.

The lawyer's knowledge and the critical exercise is key to ensuring the content published on a firm’s website is interesting to its public and maintains its reputation for accurate communication. AI can improve law firm communication but its contribution is only valid if it’s supported by ethical and intelligent application.

Dr Angelo Sgroi is the Office Manager at BussolettiNuzzo Avvocati, with academic experience in economic and IT matters and professional experience in assisting SMEs. He joined BussolettiNuzzo Avvocati in 2011 and supports the firm's partners in running the business and putting new management and technological ideas into practice.


30 November 2023

BussolettiNuzzo Avvocati