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GGI firmly positioned as largest multidisciplinary alliance

According to the latest ranking of Accountancy Age Top 21 International Alliances and Associations 2022, GGI is the largest multidisciplinary alliance in the world. Amongst all alliances and associations (including pure accounting ones) the survey has strongly positioned GGI as number two worldwide by cumulated fee income.

Represented in 126 countries with more than 605 member firms, GGI has been ranked as number two worldwide. Against a background of continuing global economic uncertainty, the largest international networks, alliances, and associations across accountancy have maintained positive growth rates.

Every year, Accountancy Age publishes a survey of international accountancy networks, alliances, and associations — a well-regarded source providing readers with the latest picture of the international accountancy landscape. The Accountancy Age Top 21 International Alliances and Associations 2022 promotes excellence in the accountancy industry worldwide by ranking accountancy organisations by combined annual total income. Figures are collected from individual questionnaires, websites, and other publicly available material. The ranking was compiled based on data collected in Autumn 2022.

15 February 2023

Michael Reiss von Filski

GGI | Global Alliance, Global CEO

GGI | Global Alliance