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Globalization Partners wins PEO of the Year 2021 at the Global Payroll Association Awards

GCG member firm Globalization Partners, which simplifies global remote team building by making it fast and easy for companies to hire anyone, anywhere within minutes via its global employment platform, was named Professional Employment Organisation of the Year by the Global Payroll Association (GPA) at its annual awards ceremony, which took place in the UK on 11 November 2021.

Globalization Partners won this award based on its strong track record as the originator and leader of the Employer of Record industry, bolstered in 2021 by its record-breaking growth of USD 1 billion in annualised recurring revenue and its unprecedented expansion across Europe and Asia.

As part of its award- winning submission, Globalization Partners was able to demonstrate a consistent 98 percent customer satisfaction rating. With customers located all over the globe, the results reflect several factors including technology, ease of use, the employee onboarding experience, and overall customer service and administration.

The Global Payroll Awards are an annual event organised by the Global Payroll Association. The awards celebrate and reward technical excellence, professional development, and teamwork within the Global Payroll industry. 2021 saw a record number of submissions, doubling those received in 2020.

Nicole Sahin, founder and CEO of Globalization Partners, said, “This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone within the company. We couldn’t be prouder as this represents our commitment to excellence and the expertise of our world class team.”

Globalization Partners launched the Employer of Record industry a decade ago and has the most entities around the world. The company’s global employment platform enables the secure hiring of talent anywhere in the world with a few clicks of the mouse.

08 February 2022

Globalization Partners