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Hategan Attorneys announces organisational restructuring

GGI member firm Hațegan Attorneys has announced an internal organisational reconfiguration from a pyramidal structure to a horizontal structure. This decision is part of the firm’s ongoing efforts to innovate and change the paradigms specific to the legal sector in Romania.

Hațegan's new horizontal organisational structure has, at its foundation, individual teams focused on functional areas specific to the experience of the team’s members. In this way, each team is strengthened by the specialised expertise of its members who in recent years may have had greater exposure and professional experience in certain areas of focus. Specialised teams at Hațegan are able to dedicate their expertise and full involvement in a certain area of practice without excluding their involvement in other projects, which will further ensure their diversified professional development.

Collaboration and Communication

Teams collaborate across areas of focus by sharing information, ideas and expertise, while each team member is empowered and responsible for his or her side of any specific project. Building on this collaborative spirit, Hațegan Attorneys is adopting an open-door policy so that each team member, regardless of title, position or seniority, may be approached by anyone. The goal is to build a working environment and culture based on open communication and the exchange of ideas.


The purpose of adopting this new structure is to create diversity for individual growth within the organisation. Hațegan management will continue to be provided by Managing Partner, Ioana Hațegan, together with the Leadership Group. Hațegan Attorneys will further coordinate the firm’s activities within the new horizontal organisational structure, aligning the firm with current international trends. Acknowledgment of individual staff efforts will focus on the experience and capabilities of the individual, rather than on that person’s title or position.


This new configuration encourages teamwork, collaboration and the creativity of each team member (skills and values which have been continually promoted within the company), while keeping the focus on valuing the uniqueness, the individuality and the growth potential of each team member. The teams serving our clients are formed according to the volume of activity necessary for each respective project and the areas of expertise relevant to the project.


In a horizontally structured organisation, the decision-making process is very different from a pyramidal, hierarchically structured organisation. While certain strategic and development decisions remain the responsibility of the Leadership Group, most professional decisions are made in a collaborative manner by interdisciplinary teams. Hațegan Attorneys is promoting an increased involvement of team members in the decisionmaking process and encouraging a greater degree of professional responsibility of each individual. Hațegan Attorneys has appointed the following lawyers at the firm as leaders of various practice areas. Assuming full responsibility for each area of practice are:

Alina Iosza – Real Estate and PPP Leader

Florina Mattick – Insolvency and SME Leader

Galina Gheorghe – Litigation Leader

Adoriana Azoiței-Frumosu – Data Protection & Business Ethics Leader

Alin Tegzes – Commercial Corporate Leader

Ioana Hațegan – M&A and PE Leader

"Law firms have been operating according to a set of specific paradigms of organisation, structuring and collaboration for a very long time. It is well known that law is a field that is more reluctant to embrace innovation. What the recent months have shown us is that the paradigm we are used to must change because people, social contexts and work patterns are very fluid in our century and require adaptability to the needs of new generations and increased agility,” said Ioana Hațegan, Managing Partner. “Hațegan Attorneys responds to international trends in the legal sector and announces the adoption of the horizontal organisational model to promote the free professional development of team members, a multi-disciplinary focus, and strengthened collaboration within the team and between teams. We are encouraging everyone to be a leader in the true sense of the word, a leader of his or her career, putting at the service of clients and the team, his or her unique skills, experience and knowledge. for the success of the projects he or she is part of, with a high degree of decisional autonomy and responsibility.”

06 October 2021

Ioana Hategan

Hategan Attorneys, Managing Partner

Hategan Attorneys