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KRD named as one of the 2020 Best Places to Work in Illinois

KRD - Kutchins, Robbins & Diamond was recently named as one of the 2020 Best Places to Work in Illinois. KRD ranked ninth place in the small-employer category.

This state-wide survey and awards programme was designed to identify, recognise, and honour the best places of employment in Illinois, benefiting the state’s economy, workforce and businesses. The 2020 Best Places to Work in Illinois list is made up of 30 companies in the small-employer category (15–99 US employees), 21 companies in the medium-employer category (100–499 US employees), and 18 companies in the large- employer category (500 or more US employees). Companies from across the state entered the two-part process to determine the best places to work in Illinois. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, practices, and demographics (25% of total score). The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience (75% of total score). The combined scores determined the top companies and the final ranking. Best Companies Group managed the overall registration and survey process in Illinois and also analysed the data and used their expertise to determine the final rankings.

26 November 2020

Allen Kutchins

KRD - Kutchins, Robbins & Diamond, Ltd., Founder & Vice President

KRD - Kutchins, Robbins & Diamond, Ltd.