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Prestigious Founder’s Award for WJM Partner

Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie Partner Ian Macdonald was honoured with the prestigious Founders Award by the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).

Ian, from Glasgow, has been given the accolade as a testament to his exceptional contributions and long-term commitment to advancing the mission of STEP.

Ian said: "I am deeply honoured to receive the Founder's Award for Outstanding Achievement from STEP. It has been a privilege to contribute to an organisation that plays such a vital role in the trust and estate planning community."

The Founder's Awards, named in honour of STEP's founder George Tasker, are presented annually to outstanding volunteers who have made extraordinary contributions beyond the expected. Ian has been a dedicated member of STEP since its inception in 1991, making significant contributions in various capacities.

30 January 2024

Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie LLP