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Vilar Riba wins the Professional Office of the Year 2020 Award

Vilar Riba has received recognition as the Professional Offce of the Year 2000 – awarded by the General Council of Economists – in a singular event marked by the current health situation.

The ceremony, normally held at the Majestic Hotel of Barcelona, was held in an online format instead this year and opened to everyone, with a virtual attendance of approximately 5,000 connected people.

Some personalities such as the Honourable Mr Pere Aragonès Garcia, Vice-President of the Government and Minister of Economy and Finance of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and the Illustrious Mr Anton Gasol Magriñà, Dean of the College of Economists of Catalonia, attended the event.

Joan Riba, Managing Partner of Vilar Riba, received the award from His Excellency Mr Valentí Pich Rosell, President of the General Council of Economists.

Vilar Riba confirms, with this recognition, that it is on a good path and continues to prioritise quality and excellence in its services. With more than 140 employees, Vilar Riba continues in a line of indisputable growth and is exploring to expand its services in the coming months. In line with its slogan, the Vilar Riba Group follows “Building Futures”, now with one of the main Catalan recognitions for its professional career and management.

19 August 2021